Building Safety
The Building Safety Act 2022 is designed to protect you as a homeowner. Here's some of our most frequently asked questions on Building Safety from our current shared owners.
What is the Building Safety Act?
A groundbreaking reform that came into place in 2022, the Building Safety Act gives you, as a resident or homeowner, more rights. It’s intended to make your home safer, and protect you from some of the costs involved with maintaining pre-existing safety related defects to your building.
To be protected by the Building Safety Act, you must be a qualifying leaseholder in a qualifying building. Use the button below to read the breakdown of criteria for the Act.
Can I sell my Shared Ownership property if there are Building Safety matters?
As a shared owner within an apartment block, there may have been issues with selling in the past. We'll make you aware of this if you'd like to sell, and the decision to sell will be yours. We won't be able to advise you on what you can and can't do, but we'll give you as much information as we can to make those decisions.
Abri will always encourage you to seek your own legal and independent financial advise.
What do Mortgage Lenders ask for if there are Building Safety matters?
Some Mortgage Lenders will request a certificate known as an EWS1. Details of what an EWS1 form is can be found using the button below.
If your Lender asks for this form, we'll confirm if one is available, or if not then we'll let you know if/when your block will be surveyed. We won't be providing individual letters to satisfy Lender requirements.
For information on Lenders who support lending to properties impacted by Building Safety issues, please use the button below.
What if I cannot sell due to Building Safety matters?
We know that your home may need maintenance works to the outside of the building, due to the Building Safety Act. If you've tried to sell your home, but haven't been able to find a buyer because of this, then we may consider allowing a sublease.
In exceptional circumstances, we'll investigate buying the property from you. This is not a standard approach and only considered on a case-by-case basis.
If you have any questions about subletting, please get in touch with the Leasehold team on 0300 123 1567.
For questions about Buy Back, please contact the Post Sales team on 0800 145 6663.
Will the value of my home be affected by Building Safety matters?
Where a Buy Back is considered, this is based on a RICS market valuation. Any costs for repairs are taken from the valuation.
We'll support our shared owners as much as we can with valuations. However, it's important to remember that property valuations are affected by lots of factors, which are not controllable by us.
How do I get my Landlord Certificate or Deed of Certificate?
If a Lender or Solicitor asks for a Landlord Certificate as part of the sale process, contact the Leasehold team on 0300 123 1567.
If this is needed as part of a sale, please contact the Post Sales team on 0800 145 6663.
For more details about these documents, please use the button below.
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