Local area connections
Putting locals first.
You may have seen some of our Shared Ownership homes mention a local area connection is required. Not sure what it means or how it affects you? Well, here’s a quick guide to get you started.
Do I have a local area connection?
It sounds complicated, but when we say “local area connection”, what we mean is that you currently live, work or have family who live where you’d like to buy. This is usually connected to the local authority district the home is in, for example Basingstoke and Dean, or Somerset.
We’ll always mention where a local area connection applies, and which local authority it applies to. You can also contact us to find out more.
Why do I need a local area connection?
If you’re looking to buy a Shared Ownership home in an area with high demand for affordable housing, then there may be restrictions in place. These are put in place by local authorities to help make sure that affordable homes go to people who need them locally first, rather than new people moving to the area.
Each local authority has its own guidance, so it’s best to get in touch with us to find out the details.
Does this impact all Abri Homes?
We’re pleased that, here at Abri, we often sell our Shared Ownership homes on a first-come, first-served basis. This means that you won’t be put on a waiting list, and can choose exactly the home you want.
Local area connections may apply to all new and pre-owned homes in a community. But, it can also just be for specific homes in a development. We’ll always let you know what applies for you.
Sometimes local area requirements are removed over time, so if you don't have a local connection but have your heart set on a home, check back regularly to see if things change.
Choosing a home
Shared Ownership is a government-backed scheme to provide affordable housing. You buy a percentage of your home, and pay a low-cost rent to us on the rest. We’ll always work with you to make sure your new home is affordable for you. We’ll often be able to offer buyers a choice of homes in their chosen location, whether new or pre-owned.
If there is a local connection requirement, it’s usually just asking for buyers to currently live or work in the area. But, there’s a few different types of guidance:
- you live or work in the area: exactly how it sounds! You need to currently live or work within the local authority where you’re hoping to buy
- your family lives in the area: similar to the above, but also includes having family who currently live nearby. This usually includes parents, children and brothers or sisters
- you used to live in the area: some local authorities will allow you to buy a home if you lived nearby for a number of years, particularly if you moved because there wasn’t any affordable homes
- local priority: occasionally, we’re asked to try and sell homes locally first. But, you may still be able to reserve one of these homes if you live further away
- home allocations: the Council help us to allocate homes from a list of applicants
- size restrictions: you may only be able to buy a property up to one bedroom bigger than you need, i.e. if you’re a couple with no children, you could buy a one or two bedroom home.
We know it can be a lot to take in. But our friendly Sales team will be able to go through all of this with you on your home-buying journey. We’ll make it as clear as possible if a home you’re looking at has any of the above requirements, and how this may impact you.
We have lots of new and pre-owned homes across the south and south-west of England. Take a look and see if there’s any homes in your area.
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